Stages of Empathy

Stages of Empathy

A free theatre-based training program to make community activities more accessible for people with disabilities across NSW, VIC and the ACT

Oct 2024 – Dec 2025

We are currently embarking on our most ambitious project yet, Stages of Empathy. This project will explore the challenges and opportunities for community organisations and workplaces when working with diverse groups.

In 2025, we will tour an interactive training program across NSW, VIC and the ACT using the ‘Forum Theatre’ model (see below). Part theatre show and part workplace training, the performance will be designed to engage audience members in workshop-style discussions on how to work inclusively and accessibly with autistic people and people with psychosocial and intellectual disability.

Check out the Prospectus!

Find out if our free interactive theatre-based inclusion training is right for your community group/sports club/arts collective/hiking group by taking a peek our Program Prospectus here!

a circle of coloured paper hand cutouts reaching inwards towards a group of cartoon people of various shapes sizes, ethnic backgrounds. One is using a wheelchair.

The Consultations: 1st October-31st December 2024 in Canberra, Wagga Wagga and Sydney

To ensure the performance is relatable and compelling, we are conducting a consultation process to gather ideas and considerations for the show. In each location we will hold one consultation for members of community organisations, and another for members of the community with disabilities. Participants will learn about the play and share their insights to help shape the piece. In the evening, all participants will attend an interactive Playback performance, where audience members’ stories will be performed on stage by Rebus actors.

Rehearsal Process:   Jan-April 2025 in Canberra

For the next stage of the project, we’ll take the ideas generated in the consultation and use them to create an original piece of Forum Theatre. We’re looking forward to assembling a team of actors, who also have lived experience, to craft compelling and relatable scenes based on the stories we gather. They will also draw on their own experiences and ideas to ensure the scenes are authentic and true-to-life. The scenes will be about the experiences of individuals and organisations who are trying to create accessible and inclusive workplaces, and the often unexpected challenges that may arise when embarking on such a noble feat. We’ll draw on techniques found in Theatre of the Oppressed, making a rehearsal process that is as cathartic for participants as it is creative.

The ‘Forum Theatre’ Training: April -December 2025 across NSW, VIC and the ACT

In ‘Forum Theatre’, actors with lived experience present a short play in which their characters experience exclusion, and the audience works with the actors to explore how to change the outcome. The process builds empathy and generates practical ideas to bring about change in real-world environments. Through the ‘Forum’ process, the audience collectively brainstorm how to do better and rehearse making change. The audience leaves with increased empathy and knowledge, having practised standing against difficulties in bringing about change, and with specific ideas for change to enact in their own organisation.

Our standard presentation will be 2 hours, consisting of approximately 20 minutes of performance from the Actors. The audience will then choose one or more scenes to interact with. There will be one hour and ten minutes of interaction with the audience in the Forum process, and half an hour of discussion, turning the insights from the Forum Theatre experience into concrete plans for change within each individual’s organisation. Each attendee will be left with a resource handout.

A young girl smiles at the camera with fingers each painted a different colour extended in a double wave. Image of crrafted hans reaching towards her each in different colours


Stages of Empathy is open for bookings!

Rebus Theatre is delighted to present our latest project: Stages of Empathy. This is a transformative, interactive training program designed to help community groups – including sports clubs, arts collectives, hobbyist organisations and special interest groups – become more accessible for autistic people and people with intellectual disabilities, and psychosocial disabilities. The project will also look at the intersection of disability and LGBTQ+ identities. 

We are seeking community groups and organisations across the ACT, NSW and VIC to take advantage of this amazing free inclusion training opportunity. Stages of Empathy is tailored for all types of community groups. Free sessions will commence on 10 May 2025. We can come to your organisation, or small groups can team up with groups for a session.

Book your free session now here! 

Take part in our online consultation!

Do you dream of community activities that are more accessible & inclusive? Fill out one of our brief surveys, to share your ideas about what that world should look like.

Join award-winning Rebus Theatre’s ‘Stages of Empathy’ community consultation with autistic people and people with psychosocial & intellectual disabilities and employees or members of relevant support organisations.

We are inviting input on best practices for creating inclusive environments within diverse communities to assist in creating a free theatre-based workplace training program for community groups and organisations that want to be more inclusive.

We strongly value the input of disabled community members and those who work to support them. If you have ideas to share about challenges or barriers you’ve faced engaging in community activities, please consider filling out the appropriate survey for you here (they only take a few of minutes):

Lived Experience Survey:

Community/Support Organisations Survey:

(Online surveys are open until March 11)

Book now for the Canberra Consultations

Please select one Community Consultation:

Fri Nov 8th 12-2pm Community Consultation – Gorman Arts Centre Main Hall

Sat Nov 9th 2-4pm Community Consultation – Gorman Arts Centre Main Hall

All Consultation Attendees encourage to attend the Playback Performance

Sat Nov 9th 5-6:30pm Playback Theatre Performance – Ralph Wilson Theatre

Book now for the Wagga Wagga Consultations

Please select one of the two Consultations all attendees are encouraged to attend the Playback Performance.

Wed 27 Nov 12-2pm Community Consultation – Art Factory

Wed 27 Nov 5-6:30pm Playback Theatre Performance – Station Creative

Thurs 28 Nov 12-2pm Community Consultation – Art Factory

‘Stages of Empathy’ is funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services. Rebus is also supported by Ainslie + Gorman and the ACT Government.