One day intensive Playback Theatre Workshop

One day Playback Theatre Workshop?Audition with Rebus Theatre 

Workshop Details: 

Sunday the 20th October 9am – 4pm (with a 1hr lunch break)
Ainslie and Gorman Arts Centre, Braddon
F Block Theatre 

Register here:  

This workshop is an introduction to Playback Theatre. It will be a one-day intensive for performers to learn more about the art of Playback. It will also double as a casual audition for the Rebus Playback Theatre Ensemble. 

As the workshop is doubling as an audition, we do not require that you pay. If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation to help Rebus continue to provide similar training opportunities to the community, this would be very much appreciated. The cost to us for delivering the workshop is about $120 per person but any donations are humbly appreciated.  

The Ensemble performs at least once every school term. We are hoping to be able to pay all performers for each show, and eventually sustain a group of professional playback theatre performers for continued, commissioned work. 

A group of people perform on stage with outstretched arms

About Playback: 

Playback is a form of improvisational theatre in which audience members tell stories from their own lives and watch as actors and musicians enact them on the spot using movement, music and words, but without script or rehearsal. It can be moving or funny according to the stories shared. 

Playback Theatre is a powerful way for people to share stories on common themes. Audiences are left with a better understanding of the issues that concern them as members of organisations, as co-workers, or as part of a community. They connect to each other and to their common goals and struggles. Playback is particularly suited to conferences, workshops and other events that address social issues, and for professionals who work in community and social welfare. It is a way to celebrate achievements, build teams and address workplace issues and organisational change. 

There are three roles in a Playback Theatre Ensemble. The Actor, the Conductor (who is a mix of MC and facilitator), and the Musician. All three roles require a level of comfort in performing, and where the Musician and Actors need acting impro skills, the Conductor generally involves no traditional improv acting, but rather conversing with the audience as a group or individually. 

For more information, please visit our website   

Rebus is supported by Ainslie and Gorman Arts Centres and the ACT Government.