Acting Out: On Screen
A free school holiday film program for LGBTQIA+ Youth aged 12-17 years
Returning this Spring school holidays: Enrol Now Here
When: 10am-4pm Monday September 30-Thursday October 3
Where: Gorman Arts Centre (Main Hall)
Film screening: 4:15pm Thursday October 3
We are currently fundraising to run future programs – Make a tax deductible donation to support future programs!
In previous programs participants formed strong social bonds quickly, sharing stories about their experiences of being misgendered or bullied in school, and created a social media group chat to continue connection beyond the program. One parent informed Rebus staff that for some of the participants, this was their first time knowingly interacting with other LGBTQIA+ people their own age. Parents and participants alike have expressed interest in the continuation of the program, requesting it be longer in future.
Feedback from participants about what they enjoyed about the project:
- This program is amazing and I hope it can happen again for more people
- It’s a great experience for queer and neurodivergent kids
- It is a great acting and film making course for youth people who are a part of the LGBTQIA+ community. It is a great way to meet new friends, broaden knowledge and make lasting memories!
- It was so so good and really important, spaces like these are pretty rare, it was amazing to have a program full of queer and neurodivergent people. also we already have ideas for next year and everyone is really looking forward to next year!
Feedback from participants parents about what they enjoyed about the project:
- This is a cultural and creative necessity for our community it promotes respect, inclusiveness and embraces diversity and tell young people they are supported and welcome in the arts/film (and beyond)
- The way this program brings like-minded and marginalised kids together from across the territory is something else. The staff are incredible: so skilled and so tolerant, they all deserve massive credit
- I’ve watched my teenager struggle with mental health and low confidence. LGBTQI+ youth peer groups and activities in the arts have been catalyst and instrumental in helping my teenage child find joy, meaning, confidence, and healthy mental health back into their life, more than therapy or medication. It’s programs like this that are making real positive impacts
- Holiday programs are often one of the first expenses that get cut out when finances are tight, but having this *block* of time for our firstborn to connect with others, to do a project and be part of producing an actual thing was a super-powerful experience for them (and us!)
Acting Out On Screen was previously funded by the Chief Minister’s Charitable Fund (2019 & 2020) and is now brought to you by Rebus Theatre with generous support from The Leemhuis Family, Hands Across Canberra, Libraries ACT, Capital Region Community Services and all our donors who contributed to our GIVEOut Day and Hands Up4Canberra Giving Day appeals.
Rebus would like to continue this program up to twice per year with the assistance of sponsorship and philanthropic donations. If you would like to donate to this program just click here and make either a one off or regular donation.