Access all Areas – HEALTH

A combination logo with the headings "access all areas workplace training" and "health"


  • Being inclusive helps you meet your patients’ needs

  • Accessible services are easier for everyone to navigate

  • Equitable systems help you achieve your organisation’s goals

We equip frontline employees in the health sector with the skills to assist customers and clients with disability in an inclusive and accessible way. The training is based on real situations that will be familiar to your employees. It will empower them to communicate with confidence.

A unique, lively and experiential approach to workplace training! 

A woman caring for a girl

This isn’t another equity and diversity box-ticking exercise.  

Participants are immersed in the experience. They’re invited to engage with our mixed-ability actors as they play out real workplace scenarios drawn from the lived experience of people with disability. The training takes best practice equity and diversity theory and grounds it in reality.  

Real stories. Real problems. Real solutions.

We work with you and your team to make inclusion ‘a given’. For more information, download our Access All Areas Workplace Training brochure.

‘I don’t remember what I had for dinner last night, but I remember every minute of that training session.’

‘The power of this method to bring people to experience life as it is for others, in all its complexity – the pressures on the health system and its workers, as well as on health consumers with disability. And the uplifting sense of how we can make change by how we respond. Brilliant process undertaken by highly committed and talented people! And created from the lived experience of all groups in the health sector and of members of the ensemble, all of whom identify as having a disability.’

‘I’m very aware of the issues portrayed but sometimes we get disconnected from the reality on the ground for people. The format of the workshops helps to connect and empathise.’

Please contact us if you’d like to chat about bringing this session to your workplace. 

Check out our Workplace Training page or join the mailing list to stay in the loop about our workplace training programs.