Utopiate (2022)
At The End Of Our Street (2022)
Chemical ReACTion (2022)
Inner Climate (2022)
The Beauty Thief (2021)
The Titanic 2020 (2021)
What If Scientists Ruled The World? (2021)
A Tender Thing (2019)
Moving Climates (2018)
Landed (2018)
All In (2016)
Keep Calm and Panic (2016)
Fractured (2016)
Journeys to here (2016)
Not Dead Yet (2016)
Melbourne Fringe Festival (2015)
We actively seek funding to provide performance opportunities for people who have experienced marginalisation to create art about social issues. We provide a platform from which mixed ability writers, actors and artists can tell the stories they want to tell.
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Past Performances
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