Workplace Training

A logo with the words "access all areas workplace training"


Rebus’ ACCESS ALL AREAS programs offer a unique, lively & experiential approach to workplace training. We work with you and your team to make inclusion ‘a given.’

“Very effective in simply presenting complex and confronting issues. 

“Kept you engaged for the whole time. 

“Interactive and relevant. 

National Disability Insurance Agency, Geelong

Access All Areas workplace training is transformative. 

We use a form called Forum Theatre, in which participants watch our mixed ability cast of actors present a short play. The story, based on research, consultation and the experiences of our cast members, shows how inclusion can fail in workplaces and the community. Discrimination and stigma are on display.  

The actors then replay the scenario. This time, audience members are invited to get involved and change the outcome. 

Download our ACCESS ALL AREAS WORKPLACE TRAINING information brochure here.


Our ACCESS ALL AREAS programs are tailored for specific workplace settings. We offer a general session about inclusive employment, and three tailored sessions for the community, justice and health sectors.

A combination logo with the headings "access all areas workplace training" and "recruit and retain"
Two women on stage

No matter how robust the inclusion policy, the attitudes, actions and decisions of employees may not match up. Together we find better ways to be inclusive and prevent situations that can have far-reaching and unintended consequences. We cover recruitment, retention, mental health, disability and workplace cultural change. Read more…

A combination logo with the headings "access all areas workplace training" and "justice"
A gavel on top of the inclusive access logo

We help frontline employees in the justice sector discover ways to handle stressful situations. Our scenarios are based on actual challenges Australians with disability face when dealing with the justice system. Your employees can take this learning back to the workplace and apply it with confidence. Read more…

A combination logo with the headings "access all areas workplace training" and "health"
A woman caring for a girl

We equip frontline employees in the health sector with the skills to assist customers and clients with disability in an inclusive and accessible way. The training is based on real situations that will be familiar to your employees. It will empower them to communicate with confidence. Read more…

A combination logo with the headings "access all areas workplace training" and "community"
A woman posing on stage

We help staff and volunteers of community organisations feel more equipped and at ease in assisting customers and clients with disability. Our scenarios are based on real situations and will resonate with your employees, giving them confidence in their day-to-day interactions. Read more…

Like the idea but don’t think our current shows fit the bill? We can tailor training shows to suit your purposes. Contact us for a chat.

Experiential theatre bridges the gap between policy and practice.  

Through Forum Theatre, your team will be exposed to real workplace situations. We will draw out honest dialogue about what your workplace does well in the areas of equity and diversity.  

Through the process, your team will discuss the far-reaching consequences that decisions and actions can have on employees or clients with disability. Working together, you’ll identify how inclusion can be strengthened in your workplace.   

  • Every person in every organisation has influence 
  • Every person can help build a positive, inclusive workplace  
  • Everyone can deliver outstanding customer service, and we’ll show you how.


Why is Rebus Training unique? 

SOLUTIONS BASED: Participants have the freedom and responsibility to identify problematic behaviour. They will explore solutions, practice positive behaviour and share ideas.

INTERACTIVE: Participants will be attentive and engaged. It’s much more memorable than ‘death by PowerPoint’.

OPEN-ENDED: Participants control the outcome and are engaged in an open conversation about behaviour. They actively search for best practice. Black and white answers are not offered. Discussion is stimulated. 

INDIVIDUAL AWARENESS: Rebus’ model of experiential training allows individuals the freedom to participate in scenarios or observe interventions by colleagues. It allows for many solutions to emerge from the experience of staff. 

TEAM-BUILDING FOR STAFF AND MANAGEMENT: Our programs include a range of scenarios relevant to upper management and front-line staff. The sessions stimulate managers and staff at all levels to work together to solve problems by learning from each other’s experiences and ideas.

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